Competition Prompt: "Fairy Tales is open to all, and invites architects, designers, writers, artists, engineers, illustrators, students and creatives to submit their own unique architectural fairy tales. A successful entry will craft a text narrative, along with 5 images, in the most spectacular way possible."
"In Search of Happiness" | Excerpt [ following ]
My eyelids started to grow heavy as the music soothed my mind.
I’m gone and it’s showin’
All over my skin
My head kept nodding as I was trying to fight the sleep.
Everyone knows, gone and it shows,
But I don’t ca..
My eyes closed, and I saw myself falling.
Suddenly it was silent.
I never felt a more excruciating pain than the knot in my upper back and the migraine coming on. I finally managed to open my eyes, yet still saw nothing. Frozen in fear, I could not manage to stand on my feet. Instead, I curled up in a fetal position, closed my eyes, and began to hum.
My eyes shot open and my body felt cold. Slowly, I sat up and noticed I’d fallen on some sort of mound. I turned to my right and noticed a tunnel. I wonder where it led.
I walked in the direction the sound came from, but there was nothing to see. It doesn’t seem right that I had fallen into this Nowhereland alone. It was like I found myself in a crappy scary movie. What would a bad actress do in this situation?
*CRACK…THUD* Wait…I don’t think that wall was there before.
That was strange…If things keep falling from the ceiling, will I even make it out of here? My anxiety pushed me to start singing again. I have to keep calm. As I continue walking around and humming, I notice the vibrations under my feet. Suddenly, the landscape around me transformed in front of my eyes. I froze yet again with my mouth wide open. I was so choked up; it was as if someone had grabbed my vocal cords and wouldn’t let go. Swallowing to clear my throat, I began to sing a few notes again, and, again, the earth moved with my voice. I kept singing to see what other things I could create, and as I did so, dirt and rocks began to fall from the ceiling. These huge columns were revealed with vines growing on them. They sort of looked like the ones under 95. Was my voice doing this? I continued singing my way through the walls of the earth. I realized that I could create space after all. I was so proud of what I had done with just my voice. I wanted to keep singing forever. This place that I created would be my safe space.
Before I knew it, my eyes shot open, and I was back in my room. It was the next morning, and I still had no drawings to show for class. I just want to go back to sleep.
Written by Jheanelle Miller

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